Comments on: Confronting Misogyny & Gender Inequality in the Music Photography Concert photography and music photography by pro music photographer Todd Owyoung Wed, 16 Aug 2023 19:37:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: s. leo Wed, 08 Mar 2023 01:57:31 +0000 THANK YOU. I shot small shows for a while before getting my big break at a large venue in Brooklyn with a pit. My first night was a REVELATION, but in the worst way. Security guy kept trying to chat me up and I didn’t want to be rude to him so I had to smile and remind him I was working. The usual 3 guy photographers I’ve seen all over the city at the same shows as me were there. They greeted each other and just ignored me. One guy (the white one) in particular had no concept of photographer etiquette, he kept elbowing me and moving in front of me for shots. I may not be as seasoned as him, but even I know to share the room. Also, ironically, to smile at each other. (Idk, like men are always telling me to do?)
Later in the back of the venue, one of the photographers finally did acknowledge me when he was alone. We’re both asian so I think that was it but even that made me feel less invisible. It was a discouraging night but promised I wouldn’t let it get to me. Even now I get passed over assignments for men. That or I get the assignment and am later harassed by staff for the way I look. I just want to be treated like a person, like a photographer, whether or not I am perceived as a woman.
I’ve been reading your blog for tips ever since I started freelancing in this industry, and I am so grateful you wrote this article. I’ll be sharing it widely. THANK YOU AGAIN.
